Caregiver Articles

Treating Anxiety In Older Adults
It’s normal for seniors to experience anxiety related to their health, finances and more. Learn more from Elmcroft about how to help your loved one manage anxiety.

How to Convince Elderly Family Members to Quarantine & Self-Isolate During COVID-19
Older adults are significantly more at risk for complications from COVID-19. Arm yourself with information to help keep your family safe

How Caregivers & Families Can Stay Safe During COVID-19
Families and caregivers for seniors are in difficult positions at this time. Learn how to take precaution and stay safe.

Why Is It Important to Know Your Family Medical History?
Knowing your family medical history can help predict future medical conditions. Learn about the importance of knowing your family history from Elmcroft.

Caregivers in the Sandwich Generation
The Sandwich Generation faces the stresses and issues that come with taking care of both their parents as well as their children. Find out more at Elmcroft.

The Best Personal GPS Trackers to Help Keep Seniors Safe
Seniors suffering from dementia and other memory-related illnesses can often become difficult to locate. Get information on the GPS trackers and watches available and how they can help ensure the safety of seniors living alone and provide peace of mind for caregivers and families.
Differences Between Palliative Care and Hospice Care
Palliative and hospice care both provide compassionate care to loved ones with serious illnesses, but they differ slightly. Learn about palliative care vs hospice care at Elmcroft.
Hygiene and Bathing Tips for the Elderly
Seniors may face embarrassment if they're unable to independently take care of their personal hygiene. Learn how to help your loved one with their hygiene at Elmcroft.

Dealing With Anger in Dementia Patients
Loved ones suffering from dementia sometimes exhibit angry or aggressive behavior. Elmcroft has compiled tips on how to diffuse the situation. Learn more here.
5 Fatigue Fighting Foods
Fatigue is a common problem many caregivers face. Adding these fatigue fighting foods to your diet may increase your energy. Learn more today from Elmcroft Senior Living.
Tips to Keep Seniors Safe From Email Scams
Email scams can be financially devastating. Follow these internet safety tips from Elmcroft Senior Living to prevent seniors from falling victim to email phishing scams.
What to Look for in Assisted Living Tour
Learn about what to look for in assisted living & questions to ask when taking a tour of assisted living centers to find the right choice for a loved one.